
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Going for groceries

Today Daniel and I went to Piñas to buy groceries. This is the second time we have done so, and I believe it is an adventure worth telling.

At times the reserve here feels secluded - surrounded by forest, birds, and other critters with a rare unfamiliar face. In reality, we are not that far from civilization as the highway is close enough to hear cars go by sometimes. Today, was a lesson in how far we really are here. To get groceries, we left the reserve walking down the hill into the river gorge. The river is small but swift - not big enough to get a kayak down unless maybe after a torrential downpour - but big enough to need a bridge (log) to cross. The walk to the river is a casual 15 minute downhill mudskate. After crossing the river, that's when the fun begins - at times the hike up the other side of the gorge is the equivalent of a 5.7 solo climb except with gaucho boots instead of climbing shoes and mud instead of chalk. When we got to the top, after 45 minutes of slipping and sliding and climbing sections of the trail 2 or 3 times, we both changed our shirts and our shoes, only to soak the second shirt with sweat almost as quickly. Then we waited. We waited for 30 minutes or so for a bus to pass so that we could get a ride into Piñas. Once in Piñas, we had a list of groceries to buy, but there are no grocery stores in Piñas, only tents with fruit, tents with vegetables, stores with unidentifiable meat products lining the walls, and then the occasional quick-stop type store with chips, rice, milk, soap, etc. So Daniel and I, with our list of 2 weeks worth of groceries began wandering up and down the street bargaining with people in various tents for fruits and veggies. With our backpacks full and our arms fuller, we each had an ice cream before finding a camioneta to take us back to the reserve in order to avoid the morning's adventure in reverse.

Dinner is going to be good tonight :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

My project

For the month of April, as I have previously mentioned, I am working on the final piece of this semester's work. My independent study project is a population survey of the butterflies here in the Reserva Buenaventura. As a final product, I will have a 20-30 page paper discussing my research here as well as small, simple guide with pictures of butterflies in the reserve (hopefully). Today I completed the first survey of my third habitat, so I already have an idea of what I'm in for for the next 3 weeks or so.

All of my decent pictures are posted in the butterfly album, and I will continue adding the butterfly pictures there as my project progresses.

The more interesting pictures from my experience here will come later.... (I'm already on snake number 2!)

Friday, April 9, 2010

99 or 199 or 1,999 or too many to count?

I think it has just recently hit me that I am on the final leg of my semester in Ecuador, finally in the independent study the supposed highlight of this program. Only 5 or so more weeks 'til my plane lands in Atlanta!

Buenaventura is a reserve located in the province of El Oro in the far south of Ecuador. So far I have been trying to become acquainted with the area, the park ranger(s) and well, the mosquitoes. I was considering taking a picture of my legs to put on this blog, but I'm afraid it might give someone nightmares. Needless to say, the mosquitoes (and other biting insects) took a quick liking to me here - not exactly the warm welcome I was hoping for.

On the upside, there are about 13 different species of hummingbirds that feed on 6 feeders right on the porch of our lodge, which provide an exciting amount of chaos during daylight hours. Agoutis, other birds, frogs, toads, and butterflies frequent the back door of the lodge. The next three weeks here will be full of new experiences and probably a few thousand more bug bites!